Monday, March 25, 2013

Time right to pray on Friday

Rasulullah SAW said,

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذكر يوم الجمعة, فقال: فيه ساعة, لا يوافقها عبد مسلم, وهو قائم يصلي, يسأل الله تعالى شيئا, إلا أعطاه إياه. وأشار بيده يقللها

Prophet SAW said about Friday then he said: 'In it there is time. If a Muslim prays when it is, it is given what he asked. "Then he signaled with his hand on the short time "(Narrated by Bukhari 935, Muslim 852 of companions Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu'anhu)

Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani in Fathul Baari when explaining this hadith he mentions 42 scholars think about the time in question. But in general there are 4 strong opinions.

The first opinion.
the time since the priests up the pulpit, to complete the Friday prayers, according to the hadith:

هي ما بين أن يجلس الإمام إلى أن تقضى الصلاة

"Time was when the priest up the pulpit until the Friday prayer is finished" (Narrated by Muslim, 853 from Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari friend Radhiallahu'anhu).
This opinion was chosen by Imam Muslim, An Nawawi, al Qurtubi, Ibn al-Arabi and Al-Bayhaqi.

Second opinion.
ie after the Asr till sunset. According to the hadith:

يوم الجمعة ثنتا عشرة يريد ساعة لا يوجد مسلم يسأل الله عز وجل شيئا إلا أتاه الله عز وجل فالتمسوها آخر ساعة بعد العصر

"Within 12 hours there was a time Friday, if a Muslim asks Allah Azza Wa Jalla will surely be granted anything.

Look for it in the time period after the Asr "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, no.1048 of friends Jabir bin Abdillah Radhiallahu'anhu. Classed as saheeh in Saheeh Abi Al Albani David). This opinion was chosen by At Tirmidhi, and Ibn Qayyim al Jauziyyah. This argument is more famous among the scholars.

The third opinion.
ie after the Asr, but the end-the end of the day Friday. This opinion is based on the history of Abi Salamah. Ishaq bin Rahawaih, At Thurthusi, Ibnul Zamlakani corroborate this opinion.

Opinion fourth.

which was also confirmed by Ibn Hajar himself, that combines all the existing opinions. Ibn 'Abd al-Barr said: "It is recommended to earnestly pray at two mentioned". Thus, someone will raise the prayer on Friday is not at a certain time only. This opinion was chosen by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ibn 'Abd al-Barr.

This article comes from:
Hopefully this article on Friday a day for prayer, is useful for you, thanks yours respectfully ..

Saturday, March 9, 2013

bad effects of sleeping in the morning

God has created the night and day, darkness and light. All that has usefulness, respectively, the night time is the time in guanakan remedy rested, after activity during the day. And then there was the time among the blessed, that morning.

morning is a time of grace and of the time we were told to use it. However, in reality we see many people neglect this glorious time. The time should be used for work, doing obedience and worship, it dipergunakaan for sleeping and lazing.

Brother, remember that people hate to sleep earlier Salih morning. We can see this from the narrative of Ibn al-Qayyim as he explained a lot of sleep problems is that a lot of sleep can be lethal heart and make the body feel lazy and wasting time. He rahimahullah said,
"A lot of sleep can lead to negligent and lazy. Many sleep there, including some that are banned and can cause harm to the body.

Time was the most useful are:
[1] sleep when it is needed,
[2] sleep early in the evening - it's more benefits than sleeping in late-night,
[3] in the mid-afternoon sleep - this is more beneficial than sleeping in the morning and evening-. Especially in the morning and afternoon very little benefit even more dangers, even more sleep at 'Asr and early morning unless it was a sleepless night.

According to the Salaf, sleep is forbidden to sleep when finished the morning prayer until the sun rises. Because at that time is the time to reap ghonimah (abundant reward). Ml engisi sleep time is the virtue of a very large, according to people Salih. So when they travel through the night, they did not want to sleep at that time until the sun rises. They do so because the morning is the time opening the door and coming blessing fortune (good deeds). "(Madarijus Salikin, 1/459, Maktabah Syamilah)

hopefully articles bad effects of sleeping in the morning is useful for you, thanks yours respectfully.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Why did Prophet Muhammad loves cats?

Told in a story, the Prophet Muhammad had a cat named Mueeza. One time, when his Prophet was about to take his cloak, in his encounter Mueeza was falling asleep with relaxing on his cape. Not wanting to disturb his favorite animal, the Prophet cut off parts of the sleeve, which laid Mueeza.

When the Prophet returned home, Muezza woke up, and bow down to Rassul. In return, the Prophet expressed his affection by gently stroking the cat as much tiny body

In another activity, every time the Prophet received a guest in his house, the Prophet used to hold mueeza and put it in his thigh.

One of the characteristics of Mueeza are the preferred by the prophet was, he always meows when he heard the Adhan, and as if his voice sounds like a rebound following the Adhan.

To his companions, the Prophet told to love cats, like dearest family.

The punishment for those who harm a cat is very serious, in an shahih Hadith Al Bukhari, narrated about a woman who never feed her cat, nor remove the cat to feed themselves, the Prophet Muhammad also explained that the punishment for this woman is tortured hell.

From Ibn 'Umar that the prophet of Allah said,

"A woman entered into hell because of a cat which she tied up and not be allowed to eat even eat small animals that exist on the floor." (Narrated by Bukhari)

The Prophet emphasized in several hadiths that the cat is not unclean. Even allowed to perform ablution using excess water from the drinking cats because it is considered sacred.

Why Prophet the blind to read and write, dare to say that the cat was sacred, not profane? Then, how the Prophet knew that the cat's body, there is no profane?

The specialty of Cats

Scientific Fact 1:
In the skin a cat, there is a muscle that serves to resist bacteria egg. Muscles cats can also customize the touch of human muscle.

The surface of the cat's tongue was covered by numerous tiny pointy bump, bump it like a miser bent conical or chainsaw. This form is very useful for cleansing the skin. When cats drink, no drop of liquid falls from his tongue. While the cat's tongue itself is the most advanced cleaning tool, the rough surface could throw off the feathers and clean the feathers left in his body.

Scientific Fact 2:
Studies have been performed on cats with some differences in age, differences in the position of the skin, back, inner soles, protective mouth and tail. parts of the sampling is done with strokes. In addition, do also planting germs on special parts. Continues, also taken special fluid that is on the wall in the mouth and tongue.

The results obtained are:

1. The results are taken from the outer skin poorer air negative bacteria, although repeated.
Comparison of embedded bacteria gave negative results about 80% when viewed from the fluid taken from the walls of the mouthIn parts of the sampling is done with strokes. In addition, do also planting germs on special parts. Continues, also taken special fluid that is on the wall in the mouth and tongue.

2. Once there are bacteria that are found during the research process, the bacteria including the bacteria that are considered as common germs that thrive on the human body in such limited quantities, Enterobacter, Streptococcus, and taphylococcus. The numbers are growing less and 50 thousand. Not found a diverse group of bacteria.

A variety of reliable sources and results of laboratory studies concluded that cats do not have germs and microbes. saliva clean and clear.

Comments from Doctors Research
According to Dr. George Maqshud, director of the laboratory at the Animal Hospital Baitharah, rarely found the bacteria in a cat's tongue.
If the germ is there, then the cat will get sick.
Dr. Gen Gustafsirl found that germs are most abundant in dogs,
Human 1/4 dogs, a cat half human.
Veterinarians veterinary hospital Damascus, Sa'id Rafah confirmed that a cat has a cleaning device named lysozyme.
Cats do not like water because water is a very fertile for the growth of bacteria, especially in stagnant water (mud, rain puddles, etc.)
Cats also are maintaining the stability of the warmth of his body. He was not much sun and do not go near the water.
The goal is that bacteria do not move him. This is the factor no germs on the cat.

Scientific Fact 3:
And the results of medical research and experiments that have been conducted in laboratory animals, it was found that, overall net cat loss. He is cleaner than humans.

Additional Scientific Fact:
• ages of cats used for therapy. Snoring cats with 50 Hz vibration good for health. besides stroking a cat can lower stress levels.
• The rest of the sacred cat food law.
• Hadith Kabsyah bint Ka'b bin Malik reported that Abu Qatadah, Kabsyah-law, came to his house and he poured water for ablution. At that time, a cat came to drink. Then he poured water on the vessel until the cat is drinking.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Procedure of slaughtering in Islam

The correct way of slaughtering animals in Islam

God has determined the animal is halal and haram for Muslims, and have determined the correct way of slaughtering animals according to Islamic teachings. Because animals can be turned into a halal haram if done incorrectly slaughter.

The procedure of slaughtering animals is 2:

1. Nahr [Arabic:
نحر], slaughtering animals by injuring the spot necklace (base of the neck). It is a way of slaughtering animals camel. Allah says;

والبدن جعلناها لكم من شعائر الله لكم فيها خير فاذكروا اسم الله عليها صواف فإذا وجبت جنوبها فكلوا

We have made ​​available for you camels that part of the greatness of God, you get a lot of merit to it, then call it when you kill God's name in an established (and has been committed). Then when it is collapsed (dead), then eat ... (Surat al-Hajj: 36)

Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma explain the verse, (camel) stand with three legs, while the front left leg tied. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir on this verse)

From Jabir ibn Abdillah radhiallahu 'anhuma, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions slaughter a camel to position the front left leg tied up and stand with three legs remaining. (Narrated by Abu Dawud and Al-Albani validated).

2. Dzabh [Arabic: ذبح], slaughtering animals by injuring his neck top (neck end). This method is generally slaughtered animals, such as goats, chickens, etc..
In this section we will discuss procedures Dzabh, because this Dzabh slaughter practiced in the Nahr-we-not.

Several manners to note:

1. Should the slaughter is Shohibul sacrifice himself, if he is able. If not then it could be delegated to others, and sacrifice Shohibul prescribed to witness.

2. Use the knife as sharp as possible (because this would reduce the perceived pain the animal). The sharper, the better. It is based on the hadith of Shaddad ibn Aus radhiallahu 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شىء فإذا قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة وإذا ذبحتم فأحسنوا الذبح و ليحد أحدكم شفرته فليرح

"Verily, Allah requires doing charity in all things. If you kill, kill with the charity, if you slaughter, kill it with ihsan. You should sharpen his knife and fun sembelihannya. "(Narrated by Muslim).

3. Do not sharpen the knife in front of the animal to be slaughtered. Since this will cause him to fear before slaughter. Based on the hadith of Ibn Umar radhiallahu 'anhuma,

أمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بحد الشفار, وأن توارى عن البهائم

"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to sharpen a knife, without showing it to the animal." (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah).
In another narration, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never passed someone who put his foot on the neck of a goat, then he sharpened his knife, saw the animal temporarily. Then he said (which means):

"Why do not you sharpen before?! Do you want to turn it off twice?!. "(Narrated Ath-Thabrani with sahih sanad).

4. Exposes the animal to the direction of Qibla.

Mentioned in Mausu'ah fiqhiyah:
Animals were exposed to a direction about to be slaughtered at the position of the organ to be slaughtered (neck) rather than his face. Because that's the way to get closer to God. (Mausu'ah fiqhiyah Kuwaitiyah, 21:196).
Thus, the proper way of exposing the animals to the direction of Qiblah when slaughtering is by positioning head south, feet in the West, and the neck facing West.

5. Animal lay on the left side.
Imam An-Nawawi said,
There are several traditions about lying animal (not slaughtered with stand, pen.) And Muslims also agreed with this. The scholars agreed that the correct way animals are laid to the left. Because this will make it easier to cut butcher animals with the right hand and holding the neck with his left hand. (Mausu'ah fiqhiyah Kuwaitiyah, 21:197).
The same explanation given Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. He said,
"Animals are about to be slaughtered lay to the left, making it easier for people who slaughtered. Because the butcher will cut the animal with the right hand, so that the animal was placed in the hull next
left. (Syarhul Mumthi ', 7:442).

6. Set foot on the neck of the animal. As mentioned in the hadith of Anas bin Malik radhiallahu 'anhu, he said,

ضحى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بكبشين أملحين, فرأيته واضعا قدمه على صفاحهما يسمي ويكبر

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sacrifice with two sheep. I saw him put his feet lay the animal's neck, then read basmalah .... (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

7. Reading when going to slaughter.
Some time before slaughter, should read basmalah. It is obligatory, a strong opinion. Allah says,

و لا تأكلوا مما لم يذكر اسم الله عليه وإنه لفسق ..

Ye shall not eat animals not mentioned the name of Allah when slaughter. Indeed, such an act is a transgression. (Surat al-An'am: 121).

8. It is advisable to read the Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) after reading basmalah
From Anas ibn Malik radhiallahu 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam never slaughtered two sheep horns, ... he slaughtered his hands, and read basmalah and bertakbir .... (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
9. At the time of slaughter recommended the name of those who finished the goal dikurbankannya herwan.

From Jabir ibn Abdillah radhiallahu 'anhuma, that once brought a lamb. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, slaughtered with his hands. When the slaughter he said, 'bismillah wallaahu grand, these sacrifices on my behalf and on behalf of my people who do not sacrifice.' "(Narrated by Abu Dawud, At-Turmudzi and validated Al-Albani).

After reading bismillah Allahu akbar, also allowed if accompanied by the following passage:

hadha Minka wa laka. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 2795) or
hadha Minka wa laka 'anni or' an so and so (name mentioned Shohibul sacrifice). If you are not Shohibul sacrifice or slaughter
Pray that God receives sacrifices with prayer, "Allahumma taqabbal min minni or so and so (name mentioned Shohibul sacrifice)." [1]

Note: Reading takbir and named sohibul offering legal Sunnah, not obligatory. So the sacrifice is still valid even when slaughtering not read takbir and named sohibul sacrifice.

10. Slaughtered quickly to alleviate what happens to animal sacrifice.
As the hadith of Shaddad bin Aus on top.

11. Make sure that the throat, esophagus, two veins of the neck (right-left) has definitely cut.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz said that the slaughter in accordance Shari'a that there are three circumstances (Salatul Idain quoted from the work of Sheikh Sa'id al-Qohthoni):

1. Breakdown of the throat, esophagus, and two veins of the neck. This is the best situation. If this then lost four sembelihannya kosher according to all scholars.

2. Breakdown of the throat, esophagus, and one jugular vein. Sembelihannya true, lawful, and be eaten, although this state rank under the former conditions.

3. Breaking of the throat and esophagus, without the two veins of the neck. Sembelihannya legitimate and lawful status, according to some scholars, and is a stronger opinion on the issue. The evidence is the statement of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,

ما أنهر الدم وذكر اسم الله عليه فكل, ليس السن والظفر

"As long as the blood flow and has been referred to the name of God then eat. Origin did not use tooth and nail. "(Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim).

12. Some scholars suggest that letting the right foot moves, so the animals dying sooner.
Imam An-Nawawi said, "It is advisable to lay cows and goats to the left. Such information from Al-Shafi'i madhhab Baghawi and scholars. They said, "His right leg was left ... (Al-Majmu 'Sharh Muhadzab, 8:408)

13. Should not break your neck before the animal is really dead.
The scholars emphasized that this kind of legal action despised. Because it will further increase the pain of sacrifice. Similarly skinning the animal, put it in hot water and the like. All of this should not be done except after it was confirmed that the animal actually dead.