Monday, February 25, 2013

Prohibition blowing hot food in Islam

Did you know that we prohibit rasulullah blowing hot food cold so fast, this idolatry in the review of the scientific side because when humans breathe breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. When we blew the food, of course, we spend the gas is carbon dioxide, while the food was steaming hot water. According to the chemical reaction, when the water vapor reacts with carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid compounds (carbonic acid) that are acidic. H2O + CO2 = H2CO3

We need to know that there is blood in H2CO3 useful regulate pH balance (acidity level) in the blood, the blood is a buffer (to maintain the pH of the solution, to form H2CO3 weak acid and the conjugate base form of HCO3, so the blood has a pH of 7, 35 - 7, 45 with the following reaction:
CO2 + H2O = HCO3-+ H +.The body uses penayangga pH in the blood as a protection against the changes that occur suddenly in blood pH. Abnormalities in pH control mechanisms will lead to one of two major abnormalities in acid-base balance.

Carbon dioxide from our mouths will bind with moisture from the food and produce carbonic acid that will affect the level of acidity in our blood, so it will lead to a situation where our blood will be more acidic than it should be so that the pH of the blood falls, also known as acidosis.

Along with the decrease in blood pH, breathing becomes deeper and faster as the body attempts to reduce excess acid in the blood by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide. In the end the kidneys are also trying to compensate the situation by issuing more acid in the urine. However, both mechanisms would be useless if the body is constantly producing too much acid, resulting in severe acidosis.

The second reason, as humans Exhale when blow, not only emit gases breathing, the mouth will also emit water vapor and particles that exist from the oral cavity. This indicates there mouth breather particles from food scraps left on the teeth, but it also can be a Microorganism that lives in the mouth cavity, this is what must be avoided in order not to contaminate food that is blown.
Hopefully this article on the prohibition of blowing hot food when it can be useful for you.
This article is sourced from newspapers Riau Pos 8 FEB 2013

Eating With Hands More Healty

Prompts Prophet Muhammad, Eating With Hands (right hand) More Healthy
There is an interesting scientific research, that eating by right hand (by bribing fed directly into the mouth) is more healthful than eating use the spoon or other devices.

Eat with your right hand proved to be more healthy because there are in the hands of RNAse enzymes that can bind to the bacteria so that the level of activity is very low when it comes in with the food into the digestive tract

Basically, the main purpose of these enzymes are used in genetic analysis, with the aim of degrading RNA, so that the living of a living cell is DNA. This enzyme're always contained within the radius of human hands, so if we have hand washing, the bribery process food into the digestive tract will enroll enzyme that could bind the bacterial cell so that their activities are not optimal. Once the food came into the digestive tract, the enzyme would follow the movement of the bacteria to bind to the sewer.

Conversely, if a man use a spoon, no one can put a halt to the activity of bacteria contained, either in food or cutlery itself.

Hopefully this article about the suggestion to eat with your hands (right hand) can be useful for you, thanks. This article is sourced from Riau Pos Newspapers February 6, 2013