Saturday, August 11, 2012

the meaning of the five pillars of Islam?

1.Testimony of faith (Shahaadah or Kalima)
2.Prayer (Salat)
3.Almsgiving (Zakat)
4.Fasting (Sawm)
5.Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Yes, in Islam, the five pillars of it seems very simple, but behind this simplicity has a meaning that is so complete and perfect. Well let's understand more.
Confession of faith.

1. Testimony of faith (Shahaadah or Kalmia).
Two sentences say the creed, and believe that God is one and the Prophet Muhammad was the apostle of God. Reading:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله
ASYHADU al la ilaha illallahu (I bear witness there is no god but Allah)
وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
ASYHADU wa anna Muhammad rasulullahu (And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).

I bear witness there is no god but Allah. This sentence has a meaning;
We as Muslims believe that God exists. And believe that God is one and there is no god but Allah. Here we are taught to worship only to Allah. We also have to ask, beg, and pray to God alone. Not to others. Do not worship other objects, any object. Because apart from God, all things would perish.

Recognize the Prophet Muhammad as a messenger of Allah. This sentence has a meaning, even though God sent down many Prophets, but we follow only the Prophet Muhammad. That is all the teachings and commands of the prophet Muhammad that must be followed, instead of the other prophets.

How do we follow the prophet or the run command? That is by studying the Sunnah / Hadith of the Prophet. We also must believe that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet and no prophet after.

2. Prayer (Salat), praying five times a day

Many Muslims who pray only once a week, the Friday prayers. They are lazy to do the prayer, or rarely prayed. There are five obligatory prayers, namely: Subuh, Dzuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Prayer must be done for every Muslim, if not the prayer, then its great sin (prayer is the pillar the religion). As a pillar the religion, worship, prayer has an important position in the religious teachings of Islam, means for Muslims who do not spell out to pray, has undermined the religion of Islam.

The importance of prayer (Shalat)

1. Prayer is the pillar of religion-Islam, meant for a Muslim who does not pray, he has undermined his faith.

2. Prayer is a differentiator, the differentiator between Muslims and infidels. And for those Muslims who do not pray, can be categorized an infidel.

3. The key to all the charity and worship. The first of a Muslim charity which is calculated once a prayer, every act of worship done by a Muslim, without prayer, would be useless, on the side of God. Although he was diligently working on other worship such as fasting, alms, pilgrimage, charity.

4. People who do not pray were tortured in hell:

Some Hadiths and verses in the Qur'an about the primacy of prayer-shalat:

1. "Prayer is the pillar of religion, anyone who is working on establishing religion meant it, and whoever left it means he is undermining religion" (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)

  2. "The agreement between us (Muslims) and they (the disbelievers) is prayer, so whoever leaves prayer means he is infidel." (Narrated by Ahmad 5/346, At-Tirmidhi no. 2621, Ibn Majah no. 1079

3. "Charity is the first time will be judged for one's servant on the Day of Resurrection is prayer. So, if prayer is a good (complete), then let all the other charity, and if his prayer was broken (incomplete) then corrupted all the other practices (Thabrani)

4. "Does that put you into hell Saqar?" They said, "We were not among those who pray ...." (Al-Muddatstsir: 42-43)

 3. Paying Zakat

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat literally means "Growing", "Bloom", "Cleansing" or "Clean". Zakat means to give a portion of wealth to those who deserve it (mustahiq), with the proviso that the property has reached nisab (minimal amount of wealth), and haul (time limits) charity.
Achieve haul, meaning that the property has been owned for a year. Applies to livestock, property and commercial deposits. While agricultural products, fruits and rikaz (finding stuff) there is no requirement haul. So can directly pay the zakat. Zakat is an obligation contained in the Qur'an. This means that if we do, we can reward. If not, will get a sin.

Verses of the Qur'an, concerned about Zakat.

1. "Establish prayer, and pay the obligatory charity ..." [Al Baqarah: 110]

2. "Establish prayer, pay the obligatory charity, and was bowing with those who bow. '" [Al-Baqarah: 43]

3. Though they were not told, except to worship Allah by purifying obedience to Him, in the (running) straight religion, and that they may establish regular prayer and practice regular charity. And that is the right religion. "[Al Bayyinah: 5]

4. And establish the prayer, pay Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Verily Allah intends want to remove sin from you, O Ahl-ul-bait, and clear you a thorough cleansing. "[Al Ahzab: 33]
Remember Zakat serves to eliminate our sins and cleanse us.
4. Fasting in Ramadan
This Worship, not at any time by Muslims. Fasting comes once 1 year, fasting is abstinence, the form does not eat, drink, sex, fighting and other illegal acts.

Quran verses on fasting Liabilities:

"O you who believe, fasting is required for you as required for those before you, so that you may fear Allah" [Al Baqarah: 183]

Hadith about the virtues of fasting:

1. "It was narrated from Sahl bin Saad ra said: Messenger of Allah said: Verily in Paradise there is a door that is called Ar-Rayyan. People who fast will enter through this door on the last day in the future. Not allowed to enter one but them. Later there will be an announcement: Where does the person who is fasting? They then streamed in through the door. After the last one of them has been entered, the door was closed again. There is no longer someone else who will enter it "[Bukhari, Muslim]

2. "It was narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri ra said: Messenger of Allah said: Any servant who fasts in the way of Allah, Allah will remove him from the flames of Hell as far as seventy-year journey" [Bukhari, Muslim]

 5. Perform the Hajj (Pilgrimage), for the Muslims are able to

Pilgrimage, is the last pillar of Islam, or the fifth. Pillars of Islam on this one, quite different from the other pillars, as it requires in terms of financial capability, which is why only Muslims are capable of being obliged to carry it out, not the same as the four pillars of the others, does not require the ability of the economy.

Verse in the Quran about Hajj.

1. "... Doing Hajj is a duty men owe to Allah, for those who can afford the journey to the House. Whoever reneges, then surely Allah is Rich (do not need anything) of the Worlds. "[Ali 'Imran: 97]

2.”Call upon people to do the pilgrimage; they will come to you on foot, and camel riding skinny. Who come from all over the lot "[Al-Hajj: 27]
تَعَجَّلُوْا إلَى الْحَجِّ فَإِنَّ أحَدَكُمْ لاَ يَدْرِى مَا يُعْرَضُ لَهُ رواه أحمد
3. be prepared, and indeed the best of provisions is piety, and fear Me, O men of understanding. . "[Al Baqarah: 197]

Hadiths about the pilgrimage.

1. Made haste to go for Hajj, for verily one of you do not know what will happen [Reported by Ahmad]

2. Ali ibn Abi Tholib rodliyallohu anhu said:

من قدر على الحج فتركه فلا عليه أن يموت يهوديا أو نصرانيا

any person capable of performing the Hajj, then he is not fulfilled, then it is up to he chose to die in a state of Jews or Christians.

3. From Abu Hurairah ra that Rasulullah SAW said: "Umrah to Umrah takes away the sin between the two, and there is no reward for Hajj Mabrur except Paradise." Agreed Blessings.

Hopefully this article on the 5 Pillars of Islam can be useful for you, thank yours respectfully.

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