Saturday, August 25, 2012

Prohibition of masturbation in Islam

This is something that is forbidden in Islam, but this act of sin, not for committing fornication, no tolerance in this case, whether the woman or man to masturbate because they want to let go of desire (lust) is being volatile, or other reasons.

Can masturbation for fear of falling into the act of adultery?

Fear fall into fornication cannot be in use as an excuse to order a person can avoid this act, shall for those who deal with this, it should be abstinence or fasting.

Some hadith and Qur'an verses about masturbation:

1. Word of God (the meaning): "and those who keep cooks, except for their wives, or the slaves that they have, then surely they are not blameworthy in this case. If one seeks other than that, then that is the people who exceed the limits. (Al mukminun, 23:5-7)

2. Prophet Muhammad, which means: "Allah curses those who masturbate".

3. Prophet Muhammad, which means, "O young men, whoever among you has no ability (physical and economic capacity), then marry, because marriage can take the view, and protect the cooks. But for those who have not been able, he should fast, because fasting is going to be a hedge lust. (Narrated by Muslim)

Dangers of masturbation:

1. It is a sin
2. Can damage the psyche and the body, can cause impotence when married.
3. Same with the killing, as with masturbation, someone had dumped billions of cells of the baby

How to quit masturbation?

1. Keep busies you with positive activities, such as reading a book or something else
2. If you already have the ability to economically or physically, get marriage
3. Restrain desire, remember masturbation is a sin.

Hopefully, this article about Prohibition of masturbation in Islam. Can helpful, thanks wassailed

The virtue of good name in islam

The virtue of giving a good name for boys and girls 

Name in Arabic called isim. Isim meaning is 'address' (sign). Isim also be meaningful as samuu (something high). So isim (name) is the highest mark (striking) in person.
Because of the importance of a person's name, to the extent that the hadith experts when it finds there is a narrator whose hadith mubham (name unknown), they mendhoifkan hadith until it is clear who the narrator is. And from this case, we can conclude that the importance of a person's name.
In the religion of Islam, an obligation of parents to give a good name for their children, because it can take effect the person was named.

Because then, the Arabs say:
لكل مسمى من اسمه نصيب
"Everyone will be impacted by the name given to him."

This shows if the name of a person is good, then it would be a good influence, therefore, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam states:  that the best name is' Abdullah. As the name suggests pure servitude to God.

Similarly, in some hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade to name a child with a bad name like 'Ashiyah’ (adulterous woman, with the letter 'ain and shod), Hazn (sad) and Zahm (narrow).

So in conclusion, the name was so influential in a person, Try to imagine if a child is given a name by Hazn (sadly), surely it would be someone who keeps it sad because given name. That urgency is important in giving a name for the baby.

The influence of a good boys and girls name:

1. One can find out how their parents. His parents can be seen from the child's name, whether it's her parents Salih, or a tholih (opposite of Salih). 

As the Arabs were saying,
من اسمك أعرف أباك
"From your name, I can know how your father."

2. From the good name, a person can spread the goodness. For example, if a person is given the name "Moses". From the this name, everyone who hears the name, can be considering the nature, and the noble morality of the Prophet Musa 'alaihis salam. Therefore, giving good name here, including the sunnah hasanah spread among the people.

Our point is, as mentioned in the hadith, 

 من سن فى الإسلام سنة حسنة فله أجرها وأجر من عمل بها

"Those who start doing good deeds in Islam, then he will get the reward, and reward those who imitate the act." (Narrated by Muslim no. 1017)

When a good time to give the boys and girls name?

We can see in the following hadiths.

1. Anas bin Malik, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ولد لى الليلة غلام فسميته باسم أبى إبراهيم
"Last night my son was born and I gave the name as my father is Abraham." (Narrated by Muslim no. 2315)

2. From Abu Musa, he said,
ولد لى غلام, فأتيت به النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فسماه إبراهيم, فحنكه بتمرة, ودعا له بالبركة, ودفعه إلى, وكان أكبر ولد أبى موسى.

"My son was born, and then I took him to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. He gave the name of Ibrahim, he fed him with chewed dates, and pray for blessings, then handed it to me. "Ibrahim is the eldest son of Abu Musa." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 5467, 6198 and Muslim no. 2145)

3. From Samurah bin Jundub that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

كل غلام رهينة بعقيقته تذبح عنه يوم سابعه ويحلق ويسمى

"Every child aqiqahnya spout with (the name), slaughtered a goat for him on his seventh day, his head shaved, and given a name." (Narrated by Abu Dawud no. 2838, An Nasai no. 4220, Ibn Majah zero. 3165, Ahmad 5/12. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh)

From the above hadith of Abu Musa, Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "This hadeeth indicates that Abu Musa hasten to bring her newborn to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam

This proposition shows that hasten the delivery of the baby name is better, and not have to wait for the name on the seventh day. "

Al-Bayhaqi said, "Hadiths that talk about the name on the baby in the birth more authentic than the hadeeth which indicates the name on the seventh day."

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd Tasmiyatul Mawlud rahimahullah in his book says, "There is the sunnah of the Prophet shalllallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that the naming was three times:

1. On the day of birth,
2. Until the third day of the birth,
3. On the seventh day of the birth

Hopefully this article on the virtue of giving a good name for a child can be useful for you. Thanks yours respectfully.

Keyword: a good name, the name of islam kids, when the time for naming children.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Credit card is allowed in islam

Credit Card Laws in Islam, hallal or haram?

Credit card (Arabic; bithaqah i'timan) in Islamic finance, called the Islamic card, or shariah card. Leading to less cash society. Which is one of the tools in the payment system, as a means to facilitate the transaction process, because it is not dependent on cash payments, or by payment in cash, because the risk of carrying cash.

In some of the literature of contemporary jurisprudence, legal status as an object, or media kafalah services (warranty). Accompanied bailout payment (qardh), and services ijarah, for ease of transaction.

Banking companies, in this case the credit card issuer (proof of kafalah) as guarantor (kafil), for credit card users in a variety of transactions. Therefore, the law applies here kafalah, qardh and ijara.

The scholars permit systems and practices in muamalah kafalah, based on the arguments of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijma '.
Allah says: "and who can return it will receive heavy loads of foodstuffs camels, and I will be bound." (Surah Yusuf: 72).
Ibn Abbas said that what is meant by the word "Za'im" in this verse is "kafil".

Prophet's saying: "az-Za'im gharim" means the man who ensures meaningful owed ​​(for bail). (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Turmudzi, Ibn Hibban).
Scholars agree (ijma ') on bolehnya kafalah practices as required in muamalah prevalent.

Kafalah basically a contract tabarru '(voluntary), the value of worship for the guarantor, as including cooperation in virtue (ta'awun' alal Birri), and the guarantor of the right to request return back to payable. He did not ask for very worthy reward for his services, so as to secure / away from doubtful. But if payable himself gave as gifts, or grants to express his gratitude, then fine.

However, if the guarantor itself which requires compensation for services (like credit card administration fee money, etc.), and would not warrant a voluntary basis, then it is permissible for warranty service users as necessary to meet these demands as a common requirement in the course of the study, business transactions, social activities, personal affairs and so on.

So, how do credit card laws in Islam?

In principle, the Islamic credit card is permitted, as long as the practice does not deal with the usury system, ie enforce interest, if repayment of the debt to guarantee payment arrears, or delinquent.

In addition, the provision of money services kafalah earlier, should not be too expensive, so the burden owed​​, or too large exceeds rational, to wake up from the original purpose kafalah, the rescue services, in the form of loan guarantees to merchants, sellers of goods or services receive.
Thus permissible for Muslims to use the services of a credit card that does not use the system of interest.

Credit card is allowed in islam
But if forced, or demands necessitated the need to use a regular credit card, taking the provisions of interest, then for ease of transactions permitted use any credit card. With full confidence in financial condition, and its economy was able to pay the debt, and the commitment to pay it off on time, prior to maturity, in order not to pay the debt.

It is based on the principle of jurisprudence 'Saddudz Dzari'ah', meaning attitudes and preventive measures to prevent acts of sin. Therefore, the law giver of money eaters and usury, are equally unlawful.

Based on the history of Ibn Mas'ud: "The Messenger of Allah cursed treasure eater of usury, the payer of riba, ribawi transactions witnesses and writers." (Narrated by Bukhari, Abu Dawud)

Hopefully, articles about credit card law, in Islam/Credit card is allowed in islam it can be useful for you. Thanks yours respectfully.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Live peacefully with Sunnah prayer

In this article will explain some understanding of the Sunnah prayers, and the bennefits of sunnah prayer.

1. Tahajjud  Sunnah Prayer
Tahajud Sunnah prayers is the prayer done in the middle of the night, between Isha and Fajr prayers after waking up, exactly on the third night. The cycle’s number of (rakaat) of prayer tahajjud least two cycles, up to unlimited. When about to go back to sleep you should read the ayat of al-kursi, ayat al-ikhlas, ayat Al- Falaq and ayat An-Nas.

2. Duha Sunnah Prayer

Duha prayer is a sunnah prayer done in the morning between the hours of 07:00 to 10:00 hours local time. Number raka'at least two rakaat Duha prayer, and a maximum of twelve raka'at. With a greeting every two roka'at. Benefits of Duha prayer is that in Relieve in all things, especially the fortune. When performing Duha prayer should read the Sura  Al-waqi'ah , Adh-Duha, Al-Quraishi, Ash-Syamsi, Al-kafirun, and Al-ikhlas.

3. Istikharah Sunnah Prayer

istikharah prayer is a Prayer, whose goal is to get guidance from Allah SWT in determining the choice of life, consisting of two terms / cases or more than two. Results from the guidance of Allah SWT will eliminate indecision and disappointment in later days. Case in determining the choice of:

- Choose a mate husband / wife
- Choose a job
- Decide on a case
- Choosing a place to stay, and so forth

4. Tasbih (Rosary) Sunnah Prayer
Tasbih Prayer, is the prayer that aims to reproduce Allah sanctify. Processing time of prayer is free. Every rakaat coupled with reading Tasbih words 75 times.

5. Repentance (taubat) Sunnah Prayer
Prayer repentance. Are two raka'at prayer done for people who want to repent, repentant or sorry for sins that have been committed, by vowing not to do, and repeat the sinful deeds. Sunna prayer repentance should be accompanied by fasting, almsgiving multiply, and prayer.

6. Hajat Sunnah Prayer
Hajat Prayer. is a prayer that intent, or his ideals granted by Allah SWT. Hajat Prayer is endeavor undertaken in conjunction with, or attempt to achieve the intent or ideals. Hajat Sunnah Prayers at least every two rakaat and a maximum of twelve. may at any time, with one salam every two raka'at, but it's better done in the last third of the night.

7. Safar Sunnah Prayers

Safar Sunnah Prayer. prayer is done by people who will be traveling.
such as the hajj, seeking knowledge (studi), looking for work, trade, and so on. Or traveling, while not intended for evil. Like, the ultimate goal is that gets the pleasure, safety and protection of Allah SWT.

8. Await Sunnah Prayer
Rawatib Sunnah prayers done before, and after the obligatory(fardhu) prayers.
That before prayer called Salat qobliyah,  and that after the obligatory prayer called salat Ba'diyah
. Her virtue is to complement and patching obligatory prayer may be lacking humility or not tumaninah.

9. Istihqho sunnah prayer
Sunnah prayers is done to invoke rain. performed in congregation, during the dry season.
in praying istikharah should also do, fasting Sunna, sodakoh, remembrance, and other good deeds.

10. Witr Sunnah Prayer.
Prayers Sunnah in Witr do before dawn. for who confidently expect wake up in the night, in priority to pray this prayer when a third night after Tahajud. Witr Prayer also called closing prayer. usual three rakaat with two salam. The first two rakaats Salam, and resumes one rakaat again.
Hopefully This article about the bennefits of sunnah prayer, can be helpfull for you, thanks Wassalam.